Friday 31 May 2013

I'm sorry~

"Tidak cukup sekadar cinta, apa yang penting adalah kebahagiaan" [movie: minyak dagu]

"Percayalah kau akan jumpa lagi separuh jiwa kau" [movie: pada suatu cinta dahulu]

i'm sorry :~

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Bila disingkap tentang soal hati.
sehingga kini masih lagi terus menjadi rahsia,
pesan seorang kawan,
"cinta tak perlu dicari, sebab kalau barang yang hilang barulah dicari"
teringat lagi pesan seorang teman,
"antara soal jodoh ngan ajal maut, ajal itu adalah pasti, sebaliknya pula soal jodoh"
jadi, psiapkan diri untuk berhadapan dengan kematian itu adalah jauh lebih baik..
so, tarik nafas dalam2, teruskan langkah dan SENYUM :)

p/s: diam aku bukan bererti aku bisu..tapi........ [lafaz yang tersimpan]

Saturday 25 May 2013


"Dan bersabarlah kamu, bahawasanya kesabaran kamu itu tidak mungkin melainkan Allah" [An-Nahl 16:127]

pada sisi manakah aku harus bersandar?


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Friday 24 May 2013

Last kiss :)

seorang kawan yg bagi dengar lagu ne..
dengar melodi lagu ne best jugak 
rase cm nak berjoget pown ada jugak
urm tapi kawan cakap ne lagu sedey..
urm kalau nak tau, tgk dan hayatilah lirik lagu tu..

so, lagu ne jadi
lagu pilihan minggu ne kowt..

*set alarm bgn pg2 ne pown lagu ne jugak*

Oh where, oh where, can my baby be? 
The Lord took her away from me.
She's gone to heaven so I've got to be good, 
So I can see my baby when I leave this world.

We were out on a date in my daddy's car,
We hadn't driven very far.
There in the road straight ahead,
A car was stalled, the engine was dead.
I couldn't stop, so I swerved to the right,
I'll never forget the sound that night.
The screaming tires, the busting glass,
The painful scream that I heard last.

When I woke up, the rain was falling down,
There were people standing all around.
Something warm flowing through my eyes,
But somehow I found my baby that night.
I lifted her head, she looked at me and said;
"Hold me darling just a little while."
I held her close I kissed her - our last kiss,
I found the love that I knew I had missed.
Well now she's gone even though I hold her tight,
I lost my love, my life that night.

contengan hari ne :)

Sunday 5 May 2013


"kalau perlukan saya, nanti carik la saya, InsyaAllah saya cuba munculkan diri"
kalau macam tu la, kau cakap kat aku,
kau jaga diri kau..
aku jaga diri aku..


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